Wednesday, 6 January 2016

India: National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-20

India’s National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020 was unveiled on December 30, 2015. This strategy is intended to focus on research in the field of vaccines, humane genome, infectious and chronic diseases, crop science, animal agriculture and aqua culture, food and nutrition, environmental management and technologies for clean energy. The strategy will be implemented in collaboration and partnership with other ministries, departments, state governments and international agencies thereby strengthening the biotech sector in India.

Highlights of the Strategy are:
  • Launching a major, welldirected effort backed by significant investment for generation of biotech products, processes and technologies to enhance efficiency, productivity, safety and costeffectiveness of agriculture, food and nutritional security; affordable health and wellness; environmental safety; clean energy and biofuel; and biomanufacturing.
  • Establishing Translational Centres for Agri Biotech in partnership with State Agriculture Universities to take forward the agriculture crop improvement research.
  • Establishing Centres of Excellence in specialized priority areas such as prebreeding, transgenic research, bioproducts from marine resource, bio fortification, vaccine reseach, chronic disease, organ based disease biology, regenerative medicine, bioengineering etc.
  • Setting up a Natural products and technology repository
  • Strengthening and creating national databases on disease surviellence, epidemiology, disease burden etc.
  • The Technology repository to include a broad spectrum of intellectual assets biomaterials, patents, data, copyrights and business models.
  • Support to biotechnology research focusing on improving life and living.
  • Documenting and developing rural knowledge and skills.
  • Strengthen and creating technology incubators to provide technology incubation, validation and scale up support to enterprises.
  • Technology development centres within existing academic Institutes.
  • Over 150 Technology Transfer Organizations (TTO) to be set up, spread across the country in research institutes and universities.
  • Establish Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) through appropriate legislation as an independent and statutory agency to regulate research, transport, import and manufacture of biotechnology products and organisms.
  • A technology repository to be structured for acquisition, maintenance and transfer of technologies for commercialization.
Click here to access the National Biotechnology Development Strategy.

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