Monday 15 May 2017

Invention titled ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’ selected for the BIRAC-SRISTI Application Award – 2017

Prathiba Rathore, daughter of Dr. Bhuvan Chandra Rathore, currently serving as the Deputy Registrar, Trademarks & Geographical Indications has recently been selected for the BIRAC SRISTI Appreciation Award for her invention titled, ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’.

SRISTI has signed an agreement with BIRAC-DBT to facilitate the Innovations by students and grassroots people. The salient features of this agreement are to expand the funnel for early stage student led ideas and innovations,  sometimes only at proof of concept level, for recognition and further development in the field of medical devices, diagnostics and biotech applications for meeting unmet social needs in extremely frugal and potentially sustainable manner. BIRAC-SRISTI GYTI Awards and BIRAC-SRISTI Appreciation Awards were instituted under this Agreement. BIRAC will support 100 grassroots and students (children’s) innovations. A grant of INR 1 lakhs (USD 1550 approx.) each will be given to reveal the science and develop product/prototype.

About the Invention:

Keeping in mind that safety in relation to injections and the hazardous bio-medical waste is a major global healthcare concern being directly responsible for spreading various dreadful diseases i.e. Hepatitis B/C, HIV/AIDS as well as other serious communicable diseases leading to pre-mature deaths of 1.3 million people every year. The invention titled, ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’ provides a cheapest, greener, sustainable, ergonomic disruptive technology compatible with WHO’s guidelines, which will completely eliminate the need of syringe ensuring ‘single dose-single needle’; preventing Needle Stick Injury, needle-reuse, counterfeit drugs; reducing hazardous medical waste by 70-75%  and ultimately saving millions of lives & billions of dollars without creating any technological divide. It consists of two variants of reusable injector and 18 variants of safely disposable drug-cartridge containing inbuilt piston and retractable needle along with a fixed dose of medicament, wherein needle retracts automatically within the empty cartridge after the injection process.

The European Patent Office, while examining its International Patent Application WO2016142799 has opined in the following terms –

The technical effect of these features is that the injector is reusable while the only parts to be discarded are the needle hub and the medicament cartridge. As a result a cheaper and friendlier to the environment system is achieved without an increased risk of needle injuries.”

This technology will help in democratizing healthcare system by making it equally affordable and accessible to all. It will ensure fullest achievement of WHO’s initiatives to completely replace conventional syringes with safety syringes by 2020 (to which WHO has already imparted global leadership to India), meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by multi-fold benefits to healthcare system, reducing healthcare concerns originating from Climate-Change and most importantly, in achieving the highest goal of securing a safe, healthy and dignified ‘Right to Life’ for all.

The inventors, a family of five members, consisting of Jai Hind Rathore (son), Bharati Rathore & Pratibha Rathore (daughters), Dr. Neelam Rathore (mother) and Dr. B. C. Rathore (father), have earnestly dedicated more than a decade putting their entire efforts, labor, skill, energy, money and all resources without seeking any kind of support from anyone in developing this invention. Inventors have voluntarily and delightfully offered a free of cost license to WHO, UNICEF and RED-CROSS, so that the ultimate benefits of invention may directly reach to the end-users in urgent need.

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