A geographical indication is
a sign which is used on products that have a specific geographical origin and
possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. Geographical
Indication is primarily granted to agricultural, natural, manufactured,
handicraft originating from a definite geographical territory.
Article 22 of the TRIPS
Agreements defines
Geographical Indication as “indications which identify a good as originating
in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where
a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially
attributable to its geographical origin”.[1]
Consequently, upon India joining
as a member state of the TRIPS Agreement sui-geneis legislation for the
protection of geographical indication was enacted in 1999. The object of the Geographical
Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, is three fold,
- By specific law governing the geographical indication of goods in the country which could adequately protect the interest of producers of such goods,
- To exclude unauthorized persons from misusing geographical indications and to protect consumers from deception and,
- To promote goods bearing Indian Geographical Indication in the export market.[2]
For example, Darjeeling Tea
(Word) vide Geographical Indication Registration No. 1 or vide Geographical Indication
Registration No. 2 are registered Geographical Indications. Hence, Tea
Board, Registered Proprietor of
Tea can prohibit any third party from using the term “Darjeeling” for tea that
does not grow in their gardens or is not produced according to the standards
set out in the code of practice for the registered Geographical Indication.
Experience in GI Registration
Since the first GI in India was
registered in 2004, 301 GI’s have been granted Registration as on October 25,
2017 by the GI Registry, India. The GI Registry has received a total
number of 610 GI Applications as on January 11, 2018. Out of the Registered GIs
64 per cent are related to handicrafts, 26 per cent are for agricultural
products, 6.18 percent are for manufactured products and the remaining are foodstuff
and textile products.
Source: The Office of the
Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trademarks, and Geographical
Indications Annual Report 2015-16 [3]
State wise Registered
GI as on October 25, 2017 [5]
Source: Registered Geographical Indications as
on October 25, 2017
Karnataka is leading
in filing of Geographical Indications with a total of 39 Geographical
Indications registered till date followed by Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
The latest product from Karnataka to get Geographical Indication Tag is Mysore
Saree. Till now Karnataka has obtained Geographical Indication tag for 19
handicrafts, 16 agricultural, 3 manufactured and one for food
Case Studies
After registration of Pochampally Ikat (word) vide Geographical
Indication Registration No. 562 in 2004, the Government of Andhra Pradesh
earned another GI tag in the year 2017 in respect of Pochampally Ikat
. Pochampally Ikat is
visually identified by the Ƨhowkra design which is a diamond with square, or
its derivatives, having different edges.
Pochampally Ikat originates from the geographical region of Nagolda and
parts of Warangal districts in the state of Telengana. It is made of natural
materials such as cotton or silk or a combination of both, having designs that
are evocative of the diffused diamond or chowka design. The process of making
involves tying and dyeing the threads in a visualized design prior to the
weaving of the fabric. This work has good demand both in the domestic and
international market due to its aesthetic look and primitive simplicity. After
registration of Pochampally Ikat(word) in the year 200, Pochampally
artisans got attention of the Media. Further there was increase in the market
of Pochampally Sarees.[6]
The ‘King of fruits’ i.e. Banaganapalle mangoes has received GI tag in the year 2017. The logo
decided by the Government features a bright yellow fruit around which the tagline says “Banganappalle Mangoes of Andhra Pradesh,” with images of a man and a woman appearing to be farmers. Anyone from now on to sell or produce these must first apply to become authorized users and would require a no-objection certificate (NOC) from Horticulture Development Agency, Represented by Commissioner of Horticulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The ‘King of fruits’ i.e. Banaganapalle mangoes has received GI tag in the year 2017. The logo
decided by the Government features a bright yellow fruit around which the tagline says “Banganappalle Mangoes of Andhra Pradesh,” with images of a man and a woman appearing to be farmers. Anyone from now on to sell or produce these must first apply to become authorized users and would require a no-objection certificate (NOC) from Horticulture Development Agency, Represented by Commissioner of Horticulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The fruit is also known by a variety of monikers
like Beneshan, Baneshan, Benishan, Chappatai, Safeda, Banaganapalli,
Banginapalli, Banaganapalle, etc. The highlight of the fruit is
that it can preserve its quality under cold storage up till three months. The
documents submitted to the Registry stated ‘The
prominent characteristic of Banganapalle mangoes is that their skin has very
light spots, stone is oblong in shape and has very thin seed with sparse and
soft fiber all over’.
The Government also stated the primary center of
origin to be Kurnool District comprising Banaganapalle, Paanyam and Nandyal
mandals and Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy, Medak, Adilabad districts in
Telangana as secondary centers of origin. According to an affidavit furnished
in 2011, Rani Kumudini, the then Andhra Pradesh Commissioner of Horticulture,
stated that nearly 7,68,250 families were involved in the production of
Banaganapalle mangoes. An estimated 24.35 lakh metric tonnes of mangoes were
grown every year in Andhra Pradesh and about 5,500 tonnes of Banganappalle
mangoes were being exported annually to countries like the U.S., U.K., Japan
and the Gulf nations. [7]
The Government of West Bengal, was granted Geographical Indication (GI) Tag for
The application for the GI tag was filed by the
State Government of West Bengal in August, 2015. The Gobindobhog Rice
is the specialty of Burdwan district of West Bengal. Because of this variety of
rice, the region is also known as the rice bowl of West Bengal. The rice is
predominantly cultivated in East Burdwan district - in the southern basin of
the Damodar River in the Raina 1, Raina 2 and Khandaghosh blocks. It was
cultivated in an area of 35 hectares last year. Of this, 20 hectares were
spread over of Raina 1 and Raina 2 blocks. The special features of this variety
of rice is that it is cultivated late, after the rainy season, and therefore it
is affected very little by it and is less prone to pests. The price and
productivity of the rice is high compared to other varieties of rice.
The state government is celebrating the GI tag as
they are now assured that different variety of rice from the same region cannot
be branded as ‘Gobindobhog Rice’. Also, the marketability of the Gobindobhog
Rice in the domestic and international market would be strengthened, resulting
in better profits for the state and more importantly for the stakeholders in
Khandhamal Haldi
Turmeric has been used in Asia for thousands of years and is a major part
of Ayurveda, Unani and traditional Chinese medicine. On January 11,
2018, Kandamal Apex Spices Association (KASAM) filed application
for Kandhamal Haldi for GI registration vide application no. 610 with the GI
Registry, Chennai.Kandhamal Haldi is a member of the Curcuma botanical group, which is a part of the ginger family whose botanical name is Curcuma Longa.
Kandhamal is a district in Odisha which is centrally located and whose Geographical area is hilly and covered with forest. Annually about 14900 het of turmeric is grown in the district with a production of about 34270 MT. Khandhamal stands second in the district wise coverage of turmeric in India next to Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. KASAM in its application has stated that turmeric is the main cash crop of the poor Tribal Farmer of this district. Further Kandhamal turmeric is organically produced without use of any chemical fertilizer and pesticide.[9]
Kandhamal is a district in Odisha which is centrally located and whose Geographical area is hilly and covered with forest. Annually about 14900 het of turmeric is grown in the district with a production of about 34270 MT. Khandhamal stands second in the district wise coverage of turmeric in India next to Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. KASAM in its application has stated that turmeric is the main cash crop of the poor Tribal Farmer of this district. Further Kandhamal turmeric is organically produced without use of any chemical fertilizer and pesticide.[9]
[1] Article 22, Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
[1] Article 22, Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
[3] Annual
Report(2015-16), The Office of the Contreoller General of Patents, Designs,
Trademarks, and Geographical Indications , available
at: http://www.ipindia.nic.in/writereaddata/Portal/IPOAnnualReport/1_71_1_Annual_Report_2015-16_English__2_.pdf
[4] Registered Geographical Indications as on October 25, 2017, available at: http://www.ipindia.nic.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/Registered_GI.pdf
[4] Registered Geographical Indications as on October 25, 2017, available at: http://www.ipindia.nic.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/Registered_GI.pdf
[5] Registered Geographical Indications as on October 25, 2017,
available at: http://www.ipindia.nic.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/Registered_GI.pdf
Wow! your blog post is awesome and informative and i really liked it. I want to share information about GI registration to identify agricultural, natural or manufactured goods and special quality or reputation or other characteristics. Again Thanks for sharing this post.