Tuesday 9 January 2018

India: DRDO unit and Uttarakhand Government amalgamate for IPR protection

Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding executed between the Defense Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER), a unit of the DRDO and Uttarakhand Research Circle (URC), a division of the state forest department, in June 2017, followed by several dialogues and extensive research, both the aforesaid organizations have collaborated and agreed upon to apply for IPR protection for Kasani considered to be a rich source of carbohydrate and proteins, besides having anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant properties.

Kasani (Cichorium Intybus) commonly called Kasni, and more popularly known as “syrup of wild cherries” (Chicory) in European Countries is a widely grown herb throughout India. It possesses blood purifying properties and is also a liver stimulant and is helpful in treatment of diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases.

The wonder herb ‘Kasani’ currently is widely used and various drug firms prepare it for their products. According to recent reports, URC has sold more than a lakh Kasani plants to buyers from different sectors in different parts of the country.

In a statement to the Times of India, Sajiv Chaturvedi, head of Uttarakhand Research Circle said, that "After we get patents of these species, nobody will be able to exploit products made from these. The benefits will also be shared with local communities."

The Kasani project is being funded under collaborative research provision of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority, wherein the forest department is facilitating manpower, field visits and traditional knowledge whereas DIBER is contributing by conducting scientific research mon medicinal plants.

Currently, DIBER is also conducting research on Vajradanti (potentilla fulgens) used to treat teeth and gum related problems.


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